


截稿日期:2025 年 12 月31日

一、本刊原由「中華民國翻譯學研究會」創刊,1997年起由正式成立的「中華民國翻譯學學會」(自1999年學會改名為「台灣翻譯學學會」) 印行。現已收錄於國家圖書館的「臺灣人文及社會科學引文索引資料庫」(TCI-HSS)及「學術引用文獻資料庫」(Academic Citation Index),並自第16輯起改為電子期刊。








五、如來稿請註明擬投稿之類型,「經典翻譯」、「研究論文」、「口譯評論」、「翻譯反思及動態」、「譯書評論」。來稿請一律以MS-Word格式寄至以下信箱:tatiorg@gmail.com 吳助理



郵政劃撥帳號:19131281 戶名:台灣翻譯學學會


掃描後E-MAIL至tatiorg@gmail.com 吳助理

學會確定收到稿件及匯款後將寄出回函,若未收到回函請再寄發一次,或來電連絡:(07)6011000 #35127吳助理

Extended Call for Papers

Studies of Translation and Interpretation

Volume 29 (2026)

Deadline: December 31, 2025

1. About the Journal:

Studies of Translation and Interpretation is published by the Taiwan Association of Translation and Interpretation. Since 1997 it has published one Spring volume annually and is currently indexed in TCI-HSS (Taiwan Citation Index - Humanities and Social Sciences) hosted by the National Central Library of Taiwan and ACI (Academic Citation Index). The journal has published exclusively online since Volume 16.


2. Mission and Scope:

We are an open-access journal that welcomes submissions on a rolling basis. Articles we accept include: original research and translation/book reviews. While our volume is not thematic, we would like to especially encourage submissions that challenge or subvert conventional thinking on the theory, practice, and pedagogy of translation and interpretation. We thus look forward to submissions that demonstrate bold and provocative alternatives—new concepts and different framings—that instigate change in how we valorize, evaluate, and teach the processes and products of translation and interpretation.


3. Submission Guidelines for Volume 28 (2025):

·Deadline: though on a rolling basis, we encourage submissions before the  December 31, 2025 deadline to be considered for the Spring volume (Volume 30, 2027).

·Language: though not fixed, manuscripts in Chinese and English are most common.

·Structure: title, abstract, keywords, main text, references.

·Wordcount: though not fixed, a submission is typically between 6000-9000 English words or 10,000-15,000 Chinese characters all inclusive.

·Abstract: no more than 500 Chinese characters or 300 English words.

·Keywords: 4-6.

·Reference and Citation Style: APA, Chicago Author-Date, or MLA are accepted at the time of submission.

·File Format: Word; 1.5 space; “Normal” 1-inch margins. (An additional PDF copy is recommended for special formatting or characters.) 

All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer review by expert referees.

Please ensure the manuscript is anonymous by removing all identifiers.

Please include author details on a separate title page in a separate file:

title, author(s), position, affiliation, address, telephone, email, declaration that the manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere.

Multiple submissions are not allowed.


4. Submission Fees for Peer Review within Taiwan:

·Members of the Taiwan Assoc. of Translation and Interpretation: 1000 TWD.

·Non-members: 2000 TWD.

·If a third review is required: 1000 TWD for both members and non-members.

·Please send payment to:

Chunghwa Post Account郵政劃撥帳號: 19131281

Account name: 台灣翻譯學學會Taiwan Assoc. of Translation and Interpretation

Note: Your name and “peer review fee”

·Please include an e-copy of the payment receipt with your submission; submissions will not be processed without a receipt.

·If you are submitting from outside of Taiwan, please contact us for other arrangements.

5.Please send all submissions and inquiries to Ms. Wu: tatiorg@gmail.com. If you do not receive a reply acknowledging your submission via email, you may contact us at +886-7-6011-000 #35127.


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Call For Papers

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